Losing access to badges when rank is achieved

I have found that when my cub is working on badges and he achieves rank, I can no longer access the badges he was working on. Does the system lock you out from finishing additional optional badges?

Are you using the Scouting mobile app? Or Scoutbook.com?

I assume you are clicking the percent complete bar on his page. Instead, scroll down to scout’s advancement. Then, click the rank and scroll down to see the all the elective adventures.

I always type in scoutbook.com, but it looks like it always takes me to the mobile app even on my laptop. Does it matter?

OMG! That is so helpful, I never knew. Thank you so much.

Hi, Crystal,

The Scouting app is only for use as a parent/scout level interface. It has no access to any of the leader tools.

Even though scoutbook.com gets you to the “mobile” site, there is no other version of the site, and this is the web interface (vs the Scouting app interface) to which folks refer.

This can be confusing even for those of us who’ve been around Scoutbook since the pre-BSA-ownership days. :slight_smile: