Lost a scout from my dashboard roster, but he still shows up on internet advancement roster?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. I am fairly new to scoutbook and the only one whose ever recorded anything other than internet advancement. I was attempting to assign Leadership to my newly elected Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. As part of this process I was trying to update his patrol status and I’m certain that I goofed up. He now only shows up in the Internet advancement roster, but not my dashboard roster. I am the Admin for our troop, but have no idea how to correct my mistake, PLEASE HELP!

@WilliamWatson4 post BSA # (no name) and we can look

@WilliamWatson4 - not listed in your account > my connections ?

His number is 131810257

I’m not sure about my connections?

I setup an overnight sync @WilliamWatson4 should solve it - not sure what issue is

post if it does not solve it

I sure hope so, Thank You so very much!!

@WilliamWatson4 - I was hopeful that if you went to “My Account” then my connections from the Dashboard perfect the scout would be listed as still connected to you. But let’s hope that re-sync will bring the scout back.