I am the Advancement Chair for Troop 366 (Denton, TX). BSA ID:
My role is set in Scoutbook, and I’m able to do everything needed there. In Internet Advancement, my role is not there, so I’m unable to update hours/days for camping/hiking/service.
Is this something that does not sync? How do I get that updated?
Thank you
Hmmmmm - I wonder if it is because you are only registered in Pack - let me turn it in
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I got an email saying I’m not showing any merit badge councilor credits, last semester. Andrew Jackson had me as, personal fitness, oceanography, cycling and Indian lore. we just joined with a larger troop and are trying to get everything transferred to new troop. how does this get fixed
@KarlMcGraw Your MBC registration ended 6/30/22. You will need to talk to your council to see why they dropped you.
Same thing happening to me. I’m on internet Advancement for our Girls Troop but not the Boys. Was before, something must be wrong.
Terri Murdoch
Advancement Chair Troop 88 lemon Valley NV
The developers are aware of the issue
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Hi, i’m the advancement chair for the pack and for the troop. In the last 2 weeks, something has changed and i no longer have access to “Internet Advancement” for the troop. Unfortuntatly, i have rank advancements and merit badges to process, one is in need for a scout that is submitting an eagle application. I still have access to submit for the pack, just not the troop. The troop is not even listed.
I did login to scout book and comfirmed i’m the advancement chair and also a key 3 delegate in scout book, however Internet advancement is still missing when i go to submit the file to import. I called council and they confirmed everything as well. I have purged my cache in my browser and made sure both chrome and edge are up to date. Is their a sync process or update that occurred to caused this issue. how do i fix it?
As @jacobfetzer and @DonovanMcNeil mentioned further in another thread, the developers are working on a fix. The fix has not apparently been pushed yet.