Can I get some help? I’ve lost access to my G Troop SM and my B Troop ASM. I’ve lost access to my kids. This is like the third time
My go-to for stuff like this is to start by checking my profile at to make sure that my registration didn’t get dropped for some reason. Next, I check to make sure that my positions in Scoutbook weren’t ended, and if so what message is shown in the termination. Then, I compare the BSA ID at my.scouting to the one that’s showing up in my profile at Scoutbook. If those match, SUAC can take a look at your account given your BSA ID number.
You have multiple BSA Member IDs. I’ll send you a private message. Look for a green dot with number on top of the yellow circle with white J in the upper right corner of your forum window.
I have fixed your issue, see the private message for details.
I have also asked the developers to investigate what happened.
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