Lost all Transfered Scouts into Troop from Pack

Good afternoon,
In Sept 2020, our Pack transferred 9 Webelos into the Troop with Scoutbook as I send paper applications in to district/council for records. We had been using Scoutbook for the 9 transfer scouts for rank advancements, payment logs, etc for several months with full connections with the SM, CC, CM, parents, etc.
On January 9th, these 9 Transfer Scouts were dropped from my roster in the Troop’s SB with all information entered. We have recovered one Scout from the Packs SBaccount, but a new warning appears that the scout is not connected and seek Council help. The Cubmaster has tried to transfer the scouts again in SB, but they do not appear in his roster.
Who can point me in the right direction to get this resolved

it sounds like they were not included in the recharter paperwork? Or maybe the pack rechartered them by mistake also

you might also try going to My Account > My Connections > see if you see the Scouts there

have a key3 go to my.scouting.org and look at member manager to see if the Scouts are listed there

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As @DonovanMcNeil noted, it sounds like a registration issue. I would start with my unit’s roster in my.scouting.org to see if the scouts are there. If not, the council doesn’t show them on your official roster, and you likely need to talk to your council registrar to start untangling things. That requires either a Key 3 member (CC,COR, SM) or a Key 3 delegate who has been designated in the Organizational Security Manager at my.scouting by one of the Key 3. That designation expires at recharter time, so your Key 3 may need to go in and re-designated the relevant delegates.

If the scouts appear in your my.scouting.org roster, I would watch to see if the recharter was just posted and the scouts just haven’t yet shown up in your Scoutbook roster.

The Pack had just finished the recharter for 2020 in Jan 2021 (Covid shut downs), and I’ve been trying to finish our 2021 recharter this month. As I cant see the transfer scouts member #, I cant add them to our recharter as transfers into the troop, unless adding as a “new Scout”.
I have tried the My Account> My Connections, but do not see them there

I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it - it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

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