Newly transferred Scout got lost in recharter - how to readd?

In November 2021, a Scout transferred into our Troop, and appeared in our Troop in Scoutbook.
At some point in the recharter process (which was problematic because of a problem processing our payment), the Scout was dropped.
Scout’s parents can see Scout in Scoutbook, but not any advancements.
Scout does not appear in old Troop.
Our charter and roster is finally fixed, but Scout is not appearing in our Troop.

(I had some magical thinking that the problem would resolve itself. I was thinking Scout got dropped from old Troop, and our charter was borked, and Scout would appear when our charter was fixed)

Is this something we can fix in either Scoutbook or the Roster tools in Or is this a problem only fixable by the registrar?

Thanks in advance for any guidance or suggestions.


Dose the scout appear on your official roster at If not, the first step is to reach out to the registrar to get their registration corrected. Scoutbook draws its roster from my.scouting.

If the scout does appear on your official roster at my.scouting, can you please post their BSA ID number (no names please!). The folks from SUAC may be able to figure out what’s going on, or perhaps force a sync between Scoutbook and my.scouting.

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Thanks Charley! I’ll ask one of the Key 3 if the Scout appears, and post back here either way. I should be able to get that information tonight.

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Scout does not appear in the official roster, so the CC will take that up with the registrar.
Thanks again for the quick reply.


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