Make MB Counselor List available to District Commissioners

I have heard from a District Commissioner, who can be asked to help with troops to suggest MB Counselors, but they do not have the MB Counselor List feature available since they are not directly related to any troop.

Can there be a way to have MB Counselor List made available for District Commissioners to access? Possibly through a Dashboard panel for District Commissioner Tools.

Thanks for the instructions. Good to have the MBC Listing available from One problem; when I pulled up the report I got a listing for the 151 MBCs in the district, but the Merit Badge field was blank for all. Same with export (which I expected but doubled checked).

The merit badge counselor list is available to commissioners on
see: Merit Badge Counselor List for Councils and Districts (myscouting) - Scoutbook Knowledge Base


@DanielAmbrosiani sign-in to your, your, district, rosters, then on the left select reports. You will see a report that says Council Merit Badge Counselor Listing. This will give you your district registered MBC and those that are registered on the council recharter. You will not see those from other districts on this report.

This was new April 25th

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