Marking Attendance and Achievements

I was recently told by our Council Executive that the mobile app Scouting, the red one should allow me to mark Attendance and Achievement records for all my scouts. Currently i only have myself and my son and it does not allow me to Mark Attendance at all. I can mark achievements but only for him and only as a parent.

Am I not doing something right or was he not right?


As far as I know, only certain scouts at the troop level (Scouts Can Take Attendance - Scoutbook Knowledge Base) can use the app to record attendance for more than themselves.

From, however, certain adult leaders can record attendance. I forget exactly which leaders those are, but I believe any unit admin can do so, as well as the unit key 3 and unit secretary. There may be others.


The person that told you this was wrong. The Scouting App is only for Scouts and parents. Some Scouts in a troop can take attendance via the Scouting App, but no adults can.

For adults to take attendance at meetings, you must use the Scoutbook website.


In this shot you see the white icon which is a save to home screen of Internet Advanment which can do whole unit. The red icon is Scouting which just handles completion of your family

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OK thanks everyone
Hopefully they can put that in as an enhancement to let scoutbook app work like scoutbooks itself.


Well, one is Scouting and one is Scoutbook. The best way to get Scoutbook to act like Scoutbook is to go to and create an iPhone shortcut. It will make an icon that will look like an app and act like an app. Web app, that is.


Great I did that that works pretty cool thanks


Yep, but remember iOS sandboxes we pages that are saved to the home screen differently than web pages that are accessed via Safari directly…

For example, if you save Scoutbook to your home screen, log in through that instance, and then try to open the Report Builder, you’ll get an SSO error. If you launch Safari and open Scoutbook from your favorites, Report Builder opens without issues.

It doesn’t look like opening the SB calendar and marking attendance are affected by this, but it may be a problem in other unexpected places within SB.

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Can you walk me through where you get an error? I just ran a report builder report without SSO issues (iPhone, started with webapp shortcut).

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If you save Scoutbook as a web app, you will need to log in again every time to swtich away from Scoutbook to another app then back. This is why we recommend accessing Scoutbook via a bookmark in Safari instead of an icon on the desktop.


Thanks I got that error now I know why but I still like it as the app shortcut for attendance and marking what requirements the boy just did. Instead of having to do it on the website which is harder to see.

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Any thoughts to making an App for Scoutbook? Even if it was fewer things you could do? Just curious.

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It seems to be intermittent… As all good bugs are.

The first time I did it this morning, I got an SSO error after tapping on “Report Builder” and having it leave the webapp and launch Safari.

After that, it seemed to work without issues.


That isn’t exactly true, but it may be for most. Since I switched to the iPhone without a home button (XI), I use app switching a ton more. So, I switch between apps vs going back to the home screen. If I do that, I only have to login once. It has become second nature to flip up from the bottom to switch back and forth. At least for me, but I am a nerd.

Maybe an iOS version issue?

ETA: I’m not an iPerson, so I only know about the problems with Android. :wink:

I tried it both ways. If I “switch between apps”, I don’t have to relog-in. If I “open via webapp, go home, open again” I have to re-login.

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