MB Counselor - Duplicate Entry

In my council, I created and keep an Access Data Base of all counselors and their badges. The counselor information is downloaded from ScoutNet via the Print Registrant Selections function. The list of badges counseled is maintained in the my Data Base. Counselors are associated with a specific unit as their home unit. At recharter time I generate and distribute individualized MBC renewal letters for each counselor. The counselor’s renewal letter is included in the recharter packet for their home unit. To be renewed for the coming year, counselors must sign and return the renewal letter. I also accept Email responses from the Counselor. Counselors that don’t respond are not re-registered and are dropped from the list. This process seems to work well to ensure we only have active counselors on the list.

I like the charter packet idea as the avenue of rechartering for counselors. That also helps get units on the same page of knowing which counselors renewed their counselor status so units are not using ‘in-house’ counselors that are counselors ‘not registered’.

What do you do for those counselors that do not have a unit? At the district and counselor level the charter packet would be a much to put those in the re-charter packets.

For District and Council counselors, now I email them a copy of the renewal. I ask them to reply with any changes. Originally I mailed them the renewal letter by US Mail. That was not a big problem since almost all of our counselors are associated with a unit. But we have gone mostly electronic if we can.

Based on our past practice of distributing Counselor renewal letters with unit charters, almost all of our counselors are associated with a unit. That does not make them Unit Only, but it gives us an easy way to distribute the Counselor Renewal letters.

Along with their Counselor renewal letters, the charter packet also includes a list of counselors that have associated with that unit.


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