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Help! I wanted to change my goofy user name I chose a while back and was not able to do so online. A day later (and apparently in relation to this(?)) i received an email that said: “The WLACC has recently uploaded a new list of council-approved merit badge counselors. That list does not include your name or other information which allows Scoutbook to determine that you are an approved merit badge counselor. This could be for any number of reasons, including different spellings of names. At this time Scoutbook is no longer listing you as a merit badge counselor. If you feel that you have received this email in error, please contact your local service center. Once your status is updated by the council, your status will also be updated in Scoutbook.”
I can still log in to my account and see my info, but it no longer lists the six MB’s I have volunteered for. I am on the verge of having to counsel several scouts this weekend and wanted to manage them through Scoutbook. Can anyone help reinstate me ASAP?? (Also, what is my “local service center”? And, is there a way to change one’s user name?)
According to Akela, the BSA’s person database, your Merit Badge Counselor registration ended on December 31, 2020. You will need to contact your Council to have it reinstated.
Thanks, although that doesn’t make sense to me, as i saw my MB associations on Scoutbook right before all of these problems happened. I will try finding someone at the council who can help.
It looks like an e-mail address change was made at the same time your MBC position was ended in Scoutbook. As currently implemented, any change to an adult’s record that causes an update to be pushed to Scoutbook will update positions. Since your MBC position had officially ended, the change to e-mail address triggered the removal of the MBC position.
We are working with BSA IT to allow non-position related changes to be made while a position is in the expiration grace period.
Ed - I’m not following why my “MBC position was ended in Scoutbook”? What triggered that? I’ve been told MBC status doesn’t expire(?)
Does this mean I’m not a MBC as far as BSA is concerned? I can still see I have MBC status in Scoutbook, I just don’t see all the MB’s I was signed up for.
Just like units, councils have to recharter annually. That includes the MBC positions. There is always a little lag between when the previous charter expires and when the new one is processed.
Sure wish i had received such as email so i would still have my MB’s associated with my name. Now the scouts i am counseling can’t link to me. Hoping that someone can fix this. Not sure what to do.
According to Akela, the BSA person database, your Merit Badge Counselor registration ended on 12/31/20. The only way to fix this is to have your Council registrar register you as an MBC for 2021.