Medical Form Tracking

I have done some searching and not finding the answers. I see how to create a report to output the youth’s medical form status dates so we can see the status/expiration of a scout’s medical forms. But what about for registered adults? Or other adults (parents) that attend occasional activities but aren’t registered leaders, but need the forms?

Is it possible to setup an automated alert that is sent to troop admin(s) of the medical forms that are close to expiring?

With the power of Scoutbook, our committee is looking for something automated for ALL youth and adults to aid us tracking this.


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If you are a Scoutbook Unit Admin, you can use Roster Builder to create this report.

ETA: I don’t believe there is a way to generate an automated notice (e.g. email or pop-up) of upcoming expiration.

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Thank you. I saw on another post about the "roster builder’ but didn’t find the roster builder link from the instructions they gave. I see that option now. I am an admin and can see this.

Thank you.

An automated notification would be great and so much easier.

maybe a silly question - but what date is put in the appropriate places in the profile. Is it the date the form was dated or the date the form expires? Or is that up to the unit to follow their own method for tracking?

The date the form was “signed” goes in the database. It will show in the report if the date is more than 1 year old.

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