Member Account management

I am managing a few member issues within our troop and pack. Can you please assist?

  • T.W. 2 BSA ID’s 133260100 should have his history but I can only find 136190917. He is a Den Leader in Pack and Troop Admin. Is there something to resolve on backend or should we update all info on 136190917?

  • R.S. - 131219378 - was on our charter but is not resolved in Scoutbook so advancements cannot be logged

  • G.Z. - 131955029 - Dropped from Scoutbook unintentionally but was on recharter with council



I will look into this. I modified your original post as we do not need names, only BSA Member IDs.

TW’s accounts are merged. HIs registered MID is 136190917. I have merged his accounts.
RS is fixed.
GZ was last registered with your troop on 2/28/21. You will need to contact your Council to resolve.

Thank you! Charile and Ed! Only issue I still see if my email address has an extra “r” at the end. i.e. it ends in “.comr”, instead of “.com”




You can fix your email address by logging in to Scoutbook with your ID and password. Go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → E-Mail

Thanks - got it!

In looking at my positions, it has me as a den leader again, which is great. I also need to be the pack admin for our pack, but it looks like this ended as for 4/21/21.

Can you help me correct that as well?

Your pack Key 3 can assist you with making you a pack admin.

Does it help that Charlie Rittenberry (who is a pack admin) requested it above, or does it have to go through one of our key 3?

have the Key 3 try to add them.

Any Pack Admin can add you as an admin.

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Thanks All! I’ll handle the last updated when I get back from camp.

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