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I am managing a few member issues within our troop and pack. Can you please assist?
T.W. 2 BSA ID’s 133260100 should have his history but I can only find 136190917. He is a Den Leader in Pack and Troop Admin. Is there something to resolve on backend or should we update all info on 136190917?
R.S. - 131219378 - was on our charter but is not resolved in Scoutbook so advancements cannot be logged
G.Z. - 131955029 - Dropped from Scoutbook unintentionally but was on recharter with council
TW’s accounts are merged. HIs registered MID is 136190917. I have merged his accounts.
RS is fixed.
GZ was last registered with your troop on 2/28/21. You will need to contact your Council to resolve.
You can fix your email address by logging in to Scoutbook with your my.scouting.org ID and password. Go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → E-Mail
In looking at my positions, it has me as a den leader again, which is great. I also need to be the pack admin for our pack, but it looks like this ended as for 4/21/21.