Membership Renewal Issues - Parent Can't See Their Scout

I have a parent who is trying to renew their scout. They click on the link in the email and are taking to the renewal section of, but then they can’t see their scout.

How do we get that resolved?

Thank You,

Well they might have 2 logins - getting the email is good - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

Hi we also have the same issue with a parent—
I checked SB the email is correct.
But she does not have the bell :bell: notification and still unable to be resolved to date. States she called National… any help is appreciated. As Scout expiry date is 12/31/24
Thank you!


There is nothing we can do unless we have the Scout’s and parent’s BSA Member IDs (no names).

Most likely the problem is the Scout is not connected to the parent in Akela, the BSA Person Database. Only your Council can fix this.

Scout 137283595

Parent 12774778

Any help is appreciated!


The issue is the parent has 2 BSA Member IDs in WLACC.

Contact your Council registrar and ask them to use the relationships tab of Registrar Tools to move the Scout from MID 137283596 to MID 12774778.

Thank you so much! Will do so now…

Donovan, we have many Cub Scouts experiencing this same issue. We believe the parents don’t know their BSA ID from when they first signed up with their Tiger Scouts back in 1st grade.
Is there a way to get the parent BSA IDs online? Or do we have to go to our Council?
Also, I have a test case for this theory. I just had a parent create an account at, so I’m curious if she now has 2 IDs. The ID she created is 141472130 for (removed by Moderator). Her son’s ID is 14107048. Can you let me know if she has 2 IDs? If not, can you tell me how to get her linked to her son? This should help us resolve the other ~25 who need to renew for our Pack.
Thank you!!

@DennisMcDaid That parent only has one BSA member ID number. The other parent has the parent / child “relationship” that is needed to renew the Scout.

@DennisMcDaid OK yes it usually is that parent from First BSA application. BUT just making a log in might not find the parent as DOB is often not entered for parents on applications - unless they did it online to begin with. Only Council can see it fully and fix it.

Unit Key 3 can go to > Unit > Roster > Export > on the far right of the export file is a column called Parent Email - that is the email of the parent that CAN Register the Scout - it is at least a clue for units.

Your example did not help that user - but it is the Father connected to that scout and if they follow this pdf instructions they should be able to renew

Myst Account Setup.pdf (233.0 KB)

@DennisMcDaid You can also try this, although it is one at a time.

  1. At my.Scouting, go to the unit Roster.
  2. Select a Scout.
  3. Click on: Print → Unit Advancement Details Report

In the “Affiliations” section, you will see the name of the parent / guardian who has the relationship that is needed to renew the Scout.