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I have been attempting to understand how units are making progress at recruiting new members and retaining existing members by renewing their members’ individual registrations. Hopefully this need will be addressed with the upcoming new commissioner tools updates.
But for now, is there a district or council level report that provides the following data:
Unit ID
BSA Member ID
Primary vs. multiple registration
Primary registration expiry date
Field(s) to flag if the member is:
a) in renewal window prior to expiry
b) in the grace period after expiry
c) new vs. renewed
d) opted-out
I have been trying to assemble (and failing) based on the district-level reports to which I currently have access including:
Monthly Membership Report (both primary and multiple registrations by program)
Members Due to Renew (both renewal window and grace period)
Non Renewed Members (both grace period and expired)
Opted out Members (only opted-out)
Members Who Have Renewed (includes multiple renewals per member)
It seems the missing data across all these reports is an easy way to identify new members in each unit.
I don’t think there’s a report with all of that in one place, but it’s certainly in reports and it seems you’ve identified such reports.
There are some issues but the registration expiry date is for all registered positions. Functional positions might end earlier. And the issue I’m aware of and on our council’s issue tracker though I don’t think they’ve relayed it to national is that the council employee positions got renewed but that didn’t update the renewals on the non-council positions. Example is that our District Director has a new expiration when you view from the council level, but the District Director or District Executive roles as the district level show the old expiration date when they should all be aligned.
Anyhow, you should be able to join data across the reports you’ve already identified and get what you want I think.
Digging further it seems the Record of Change report has items 1-4 for new (primary), transfer (primary), multiple and dropped registrations. So in theory one could merge with the data from the renewed, non-renewed and opted-out reports to get all the flags in 5 a-d.
Purpose for these questions is to assess feasibility of creating a systems dynamics model of membership at unit / district / council level as a possible commissioner college thesis topic. There are published models for sports clubs that could potentially be adapted as teaching tools. https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/mnsc.29.1.52