Hello and thank you for your assistance up front on this issue.
I was a Boy Scout in the National Capital Area Council and recently joined a San Diego Imperial County Pack as a Den Leader. When logging into Scoutbook or the Scouting App my email is associated with my youth BSA ID: 4978717. My San Diego Council ID is 140619185. My Den Leader application was approved under my San Diego ID. When I log into Scoutbook it shows two different accounts with my name. I am defaulted to log in with my old ID and cannot access the Den Leader functions because it appears to be a separate account.
I associated my login/email to my San Diego ID as the “primary” in Scouting.org last night. I am still unable to access Scoutbook functions. Any ideas on how to merge or make my new 140619185 ID associated with my login? Thanks for your time