Merge member ID’s


We have a leader with two member ID’s tied to the same email address. As a result they cannot log into scoutbook. 14603020 is the account as a parent. 14567506 is the account as a leader. Can you please merge both accounts into 14567506. The leaders name is (name removed by Moderator).
Thank you

@MarkSchneider1 the Den Leader Account is tied to “Sign in with Google” - they need to click on that - NOT use straight email to sign in

I am having the same issue with a den leader. The two BSA numbers are 12025086 and 130855087. He isn’t able to see any of the new scouts we added this year and we think it might be because he has two numbers that need to be merged.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@LeahBorst I did find a duplicate Scoutbook account for this adult leader. They have been merged.

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