Merge Adults with Multiple IDs

I have three adults that have multiple membership ID numbers. I contacted our council to see if they could help but they said to add my issue to this forum. Can you please help me merge them?

129123999 / 13183144
108201477 / 14238679 (This one we also need a name fix, should be Nicholas, not Nick.)
130548965 / 13183951

I have fixed this first one.

Please ask the user to log in to his my.Scouting account and double-check his e-mail address. His e-mail address does not match between my.Scouting and Scoutbook.

He just updated the email address in the profile section of my.scouting, should match Scoutbook now.

I have merged this user’s Scoutbook accounts.

Please ask your local council to use their Registrar Tools to look up his child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, he should be listed as parent only under his primary BSA member ID number: 14238679. They should remove him if listed as parent under any other BSA numbers. Otherwise, his numbers might get switched at the next Recharter, and a duplicate Scoutbook account might get created.

This user should be fixed.

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