Accounts Merge

Hi need to merge two accounts, I am den leader for AOL and Tigers and when I go to add to Tigers a different account comes up than the one I have for AOL.

The two member IDs are 13555226 and 136742898.

@RichardChaikin let me take a look

@RichardChaikin This is fixed I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number 13455589

Please merge preexisting Adult BSA #13163694 with new BSA #136033454 (from online application
ID 201028536). YPT and training are tied to BSA #13163694, but Adult Leadership is tied to new BSA #136033454.


This member has 2 IDs. Which does she wish to keep. The one using Apple Login or her e-mail address? We will make her registered MID primary on whichever ID she want to keep.

use the
hotmail email address


This is done. The member needs to use her hotmail address to log in to all systems.

Please contact your Council and ask them to use the relationships tab of registrar tools to move her children from MID 13163694 to MID 136033454. This will help avoid problems in the future.

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Good Day, I have a Scout showing up twice with the same ID; 14797929

@Chris_H Could you double-check the Scout’s BSA member ID number? I’m only seeing this Scout once.

I do see another Scout with initials C.M. who appears to have a duplicate account issue.

I have another adult leader with two BSA IDs. Please merge BSA ID 140587605 with 14126799. She has completed training on 14126799, but is on our roster as a leader with 140587605.

Also, she has been unable to complete two online ASM specific training courses. the module does not let her take the quiz, do you have the ability to mark them as complete? see attached pictures.

@EliasEl_Hage let me look at it

@EliasEl_Hage the user has 2 user names - 1 is everything before the @ of their yahoo email - the other ends in 23 - which do they want to keep?

The one with Member ID 14126799 and user name _____23

@EliasEl_Hage ok that is fixed how it needs to be

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Can we mark her complete for SCO_472, 480, 476, 482?
The Training Manger in my.scouting does not give me the ability to add this kind of training (I’m the Committee Chair).

@EliasEl_Hage if she has not done the training she needs to do it. It would show if she had completed it

@EliasEl_Hage If she did the training under a secondary BSA member ID number, it will get copied onto the primary BSA number. However, you might need to wait up to 24 hours for the training to get copied onto the primary.

She did the training, but the system would not let her finish. It got stuck at the quiz. She tried it several times on different days on different devices. Do the logs show that she did everything but the quiz?

One comment that has been made in other threads about training problems is that the training “completion” is very sensitive to allowing the videos to play all the way through to the end. In some cases, I recall training videos I took seeming to be over, but actually still playing when I looked at the time counter on the video. I wonder if that might be the issue.

Some more clarity on what exactly is happening when you say that she “got stuck at the quiz” might help with diagnosing what’s going on. For example, can she not find the button to start the quiz? Is she watching the video, then exiting/timing out before taking the quiz? A screenshot or detailed description of the exact failure would probably be necessary to understand what’s happening.

That would require her to do the training modules over again anyway. I’m trying to solve the technology problem and keep my adult volunteer engaged. Key 3s should be able to overrule the computer, on their Honor, and mark the module as complete. It is hard enough to get people to spend their valuable time to take the training, but no one wants to take it three or four times because of a technical glitch. They just give up.