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We a scout that just recently crossed over from the town Pack. We use Scoutbook more and the messaging feature more so than the pack. One of our new scout’s 137222864 User ID 1881814 his dad is listed twice once for a work email another for his personal email. He would like his work emailed removed which I can’t do, thanks.
Correct Contact for father:
Dad Ian BSA ID 137222865 & User ID 2764147 ian.b******@gmail.com
Incorrect doesn’t need to be merged just deleted:
Dad Ian BSA ID 13148202 & User ID 1879276 his work email ib**@paragonnt.com
Donovan, I just realize I have another one from when the pack in 2021 migrated from one council to our council (BSA had two councils in a town of 19k). The scout and parent are now in our unit.
BSA ID 12395697 and User ID 4365774 same email d****0379@gmail.com
BSA ID 133840166 and User ID 1260831 same email d***0379@gmail.com