Merge Parent Records #

I’ve tried to get council to help with this, but they said they couldn’t. I have a duplicate scoutbook id with a parent. 14305164 is correct. 14591437 is not and should be merged into the previous. Can you help? Thank you.

@GoodloeWhite I am checking.

@GoodloeWhite I have merged this user’s Scoutbook accounts.

I recommend that the parent log in to his my.Scouting and double-check his e-mail address there. The 2 BSA member IDs had different e-mails.

I’ve asked him to login using his applied and to update the email. I assume we can merge after that.

@GoodloeWhite I already merged his Scoutbook accounts.

He just needs to double-check his e-mail address to be sure that it is the one that he wants.

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