A parent has ended up with two accounts. Can I get some help merging #13200395 and 12984092. THis person should be connected to 136193133 as a parent.
Are these BSA member numbers? Or Scoutbook userIDs?
I believe these are BSA member numbers.
@ReidHollander This parent has 3 BSA member ID numbers. 136193134 is the one that he should be using, because it has his registration history.
I have merged the Scoutbook userIDs. He should log in with his my.scouting username – not his e-mail address.
I would recommend contacting your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up his child. In the “Relationships” section, they should make sure that the parent is listed with the correct BSA member ID number 136193134, and remove the other one.
Thank you, I will follow up with them and the parent.
I also have a parent with 2 profiles. 140156035 is her linked number, 140160709 is the duplicate.
@DavidGray4 that is fixed
Thank you. I have an adult applicant in My.scouting that applied online. I accepted the application but had to wait for him to complete YPT. While waiting for that to happen his application was moved to “pending reassignment” with the note reading “Awaiting Reassignment to another unit by the District.” I’m not sure who can fix this for me so I can accept him into our unit. Application #200779110 and his member#100670698.
@DavidGray4 talk to your council on this
I need my duplicate account deleted as well - Member ID 14195419.
I have another account that I use primarily member ID 13898997
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