I am curious if it would be possible to bring add my old member ID from when I was a scout to my current ID as a leader. My current bsa Id is 106569954 and my ID from my youth is 137431106. I just enjoy watching both my children gain their advancments and I was hoping I would be able to see all mine on my account as well, Like my eagle rank date and my acheivments and all of that. Thank you for any help you can give!
Yes, you can put the “original” BSA ID under management by going to Manage Member ID in my.scouting and adding it as a secondary ID. However, it won’t create a display the way the youth have.
O dds are most councils only recorded completed ranks only, if not just Eagle
You could try asking a unit Admin to run a Cub Scout / Scouts BSA History Report for you using 106569954.
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You would run the report using the Youth MID - 137431106
A lot of an adults history might not have ever been put in a computer depending on how old it is and on the specific council
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