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I have been working with about 500 merit badge counselors in council 539 to get them renewed. We have many cases where a counselor also has a troop position (like Scoutmaster) which gets renewed and paid for by the unit. After this, merit badge counselor is not renewed but it is not available on their my.scouting.org account for them to renew.
One example is BSA ID 132345487. Using a desktop computer running Windows with Microsoft Edge (hard reset done), clicking My Application shows him as an Assistant Scoutmaster and his son both with 31 December 2025 Expiration Date. Merit badge counselor does not show. Renewal Status on both shows Inactive Renewal - Pending Credit Card in red. Clicking MY RENEWALS shows no registrations. He still shows on the Scoutbook MB Counselor list and in my My.Scouting.org council roster as a merit badge counselor with a 12/31/2024 expiration. The Troop roster shows him as renewed as Assistant Scoutmaster until December 31, 2025.
I have more than 10 merit badge counselors in similar situations, although I do not think most are seeing the credit card error, just no place to renew merit badge counselor after the unit renewed their unit position.
@ThomasStalnaker there is no real help for that here - your council needs to turn in a membercare ticket or post on Workplace for assistance from other councils
Thanks. We can go back to the old system of the manual renewals by the registrar, but I hope National will fix their software bugs before we try this again next year (and monthly for a few people).
If your council does not provide info to membercare - do not be surprised when no change happens
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