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Apparently, there was an issue with counselor lists uploaded in the last little while. As a result, my council (Circle Ten) reuploaded theirs yesterday (3/24). While I am sure this solved some issues, it introduced others. In the process of uploading the new list, it ended my previous role as MBC and started a new role. As a result, I lost all connections to scouts I had been working with. Some had just added me, and I am working virtually with scouts accross the country, so I don’t have contact information for much of them. Is there any way to get those connections back?
Yes, I do. One was deactivated over two years ago when I got the new one after switching councils. And that was after working with council and national to deactivate the first one and migrate all the records over. But apparently I am not the only one with the issue. Someone else commented about it on Facebook.
Looks like things were reloaded again today. The last position has ended with the new position being added. Looks like all the same merit badges are there, and I didn’t lose the connections from before. Unfortunately, I am still missing some from the first time around.
It sounds like there is a piece of logic missing from the upload validation process. If an existing, current MBC position is found in the council, it should not be ended to create a new one. Instead, it should just validate that the correct positions are listed, update these as needed, and then move on.