I’m trying to search for merit badge counselors and only the first page of results will display. The subsequent pages through and error saying “no results” when there are supposedly 90 Counselors listed. If I remove the distance then another page of results will appear, but only one page.
Which web browser are you using?
More: I don’t have a mobile device, can I use a computer? What browser will work?
There is a known issue with the navigation buttons at the bottom of the MBC Search page. The buttons at the top of the MBC Search page work properly.
The fix has been tested and will be included in the next Scoutbook updates.
I’m using Safari on a MacBook Pro
Thanks for the insight. Now I can check our unit lists versus the Council lists
I’m using internet explorer and all of mine are gone as well. I also got an email that says my personal info wasn’t found at the council level. I KNOW counsel has it as I took it there myself …
@TonyaDoebler - could you post some screen shots of what you are seeing ? On the email, where did it come from, if Council then that is not scoutbook unless it is related to MBC upload and housekeeping.
@TonyaDoebler I think an email goes out if a council uploads the list and you have an MBC position in SB and it is cleared - like you are describing. Many councils are well known for clearing MBC positions- as they have to be renewed every year around June 1
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