Merit Badge Dates Disappeared in SB

We have a youth that has earned merit badges but now SB does not have them recorded as done. I do see them in IA but the official date is not there. I believe it is just fishing and bird study but will check further with the scout. 131082696 Thank you in advance. Rhonda

This was not corrected by the past action.


I have setup a sync this afternoon to hopefully fix this - might want to look at audit log in Scoutbook for a clue to what happened

@DonovanMcNeil the sink did not work last time. It is in IA but I can’t see the dates.

@RhondaHarvey the sync will not be until around 4pm CT this afternoon

@DonovanMcNeil I meant back in October. Can you see the actual dates in IA? If I can get those, I can reenter the dates.

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@DonovanMcNeil Thank you!

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