Merit Badges Earned After 18th Birthday

I have run into a situation where a Scout on an extension was able to earn merit badges (not required for Eagle) after their 18th birthday which were posted to Scoutbook. They are still registered as a member even though they should have been re-registered as a unit participant once they turned 18. The bug I feel needs to be fixed is for Scouts BSA, advancements should not be able to be posted in Scoutbook for items earned after their 18th birthday. Thank you.

I don’t know how scouts who participate past age 18 under accommodations for developmental conditions are identified in Scoutbook. I wonder if what you’re observing is something that results from needing to accommodate those over-18 scouts who are working under an extension of membership eligibility unrelated to the current pandemic. Does anyone know whether the extensions of membership associated with developmental delays are for a fixed time duration or if they automatically expire upon earning Eagle?

The extension is only to complete Eagle; nothing further than that. For more information, contact your council’s advancement chair or program director.
Scoutbook supports Scouts older than 18 to complete Eagle in a troop.

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