I am unable to add merit badges in internet advancement for our special needs scouts that are over 18. They are registered as such and it was not a problem in the old system. Now I get an error that the merit badge date is past the 18th birthday.
Please send an email to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with all the details including the scout’s bsa member number.
I have a Special Needs Scout that turned 18 in July but has been allowed extended time. When I worked on recharter it gave me an error message but allowed him to stay on the recharter as a UP.
I haven’t had any trouble adding advancement stuff to him since his 18th birthday so hopefully it won’t become a problem after recharter.
Are you using Internet Advancement (https://scoutbook.scouting.org) or Scoutbook (https://www.scoutbook.com/mobile)?
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