Mobile app rank percentages are all wrong

Last week there was an update to the mobile app, and the update made it sound like the percentages were finally going to be corrected. Needless to say, my son appears to be at 11% for Wolf, and showing that he hasn’t started requirements 1 or 2 and requirement 3 is “in progress”. The reality is that he is at 72%, requirement 1 is very much in progress, and requirement 2 is completed.

For so many parents, the app is the only thing they use (if they use anything). We need to get this straightened out. Is there any type of fix? I even deleted the app and reinstalled it with no luck.

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it is being worked on

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Thank you. In the app update, it announced that %s were fixed. I must have misread it.

I am still seeing this issue on our scouts. Is it still planned to get fixed soon?

Just discovered that when the Wolf rank is earned, it does bump everything up to 100%. It also says to start working on Bear. We should get that modified to say something along the lines of continuing your Wolf adventure. The Scout can’t even work on Bear requirements for another 6-7 months… We don’t want to confuse the situation.

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