Multiple account help

I submitted an application for a leadership position in my son’s Pack. created a new member ID when I did that, as well as a new ScoutBook ID. I am trying to get this back to where it makes some sense. My old Member ID is now associated with the Council that I was in as a youth, not my son’s current Council. The new Member ID is associated with the correct council on, but my SB account is with the wrong council and my son is still associated with my previous SB ID. Can someone please assist me in getting this straightened out?

Previous Member ID: XXXXX
Previous ScoutBook ID: XXXXX

New Member ID: XXXXX
New ScoutBook ID: XXXXX

@CharlieBenbow Each council has its own BSA member ID numbers, so it is expected that you would get a new BSA number when you registered with the new council.

I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

Please contact your new council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, you should be listed as parent only under your new BSA number, the one ending in -767. They should remove you if listed as parent under any other BSA member numbers. Otherwise, your BSA numbers might get switched around when your child Recharters / renews.

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