Multiple bsa id's

I have 2 bsa accounts. One from far east council and one from montana council. My far east council is the only one that shows up on scoutbook. My montana council is the one i need access on and should have full rights to help scouts move up.

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You probably don’t want to post all of that info publicly. The forums are world readable, even if only folks with accounts can post.

@ChandraMurphy first thing to try is this - log into > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to and log in using your credentials - if it fails post again and SUAC can look to solve the issue if we can

@ChandraMurphy It looks like you have multiple Scoutbook accounts. If you could log all the way out of Scoutbook, we can fix them for you.

@ChandraMurphy I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

You are currently opted out of e-mails from Scoutbook. You can opt back in by logging in to Scoutbook and then go to:

Administration → My Account → Email

And switch the Messaging Opt-Out toggle to opt back in.

Please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, they should remove you as parent under your secondary BSA member ID number. Then they should add you as parent under your primary BSA member ID number, the one ending in -34.

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