My daughter has two accounts that need merged and the correct one activated

My daughter has two accounts.

BSA # 136506367
ID 10407995

BSA# 14189656

The 136506367 was her primary account and somehow a second one was made (with her name spelled wrong) when we had to reapply. Either way, we were tracking her progress with the 136506367 and then it wsa recently deactivaed. need the 136506367 active and the other gone if possible.

@JordanSiewert we will look at this

@JordanSiewert This is fixed and the name is fixed in the System - you need to talk to council about merging it all to one account for simplicity

I have been trying to work with my local people and it’s been very difficult. There’s been quite a bit of failures recently and I was just a little bit over it. Thank you for your help. I will check it out

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