Unit Quick Entry for Advancements Not Working


I know this issue has been discussed before, but I never saw a resolution before the thread was closed, so I’m creating a new topic/bug report.

The problem is as previously reported: Den Leaders and I have noticed that when they go to Scoutbook Plus, click “Unit Quick Entry,” then “Advancements,” and select the new 2024 adventure for all scouts in their den, they receive a success message. However, when checking any individual scout within the den, the adventure shows as started, but no requirements are completed.

This is a significant issue for us because we have a large pack with dens of 10+ scouts due to a shortage of Den Leaders. While Den Leaders can complete the requirements individually for each scout, this workaround is unsustainable with a month’s worth of adventures and a den of 11+ scouts.

Is there a fix for this known issue? Please help!

Thank you.


@Steven16191103 are they looking on the rank page or at the actual Adventure??

@DonovanMcNeil I am not sure what you mean, the issue is with the unit quick entry not working. i.e. they go to scoutbook plus then roster then unit quick entry, select adventure, then select from the top menu the rank, the adventure and the current version. once the adventure requirements load, they select the scouts on the left, check the box completed with date, they may or may not add a comment and then save it. at the top a message in green pops up and says successful. but when you check to see if it is actually completed within the scouts profile it simply shows the adventure as started and if they added a comment that will show up but the none of the requirements are completed. this has been going on for about 3 months now with multiple dens within out pack.

@Steven16191103 what I mean is the started state - sometimes it does not update until you go all the way to the Adventure - have you tried that?

and is this any scout of just the son/daughter of the leader?

The system is not recording advancements no matter which screen you click on. I am the Cubmaster and was acting as the Advancement Chair. Initially, I thought the Tiger and Wolf Den Leaders were making mistakes. After the second pack meeting where they didn’t receive any awards, I spoke with the Den Leaders. They assured me they had completed the entries. I still had doubts, so they showed me their process, and I confirmed that Quick Entry wasn’t working.

The only reason the other dens received awards was that they didn’t know how to use Quick Entry and had been entering advancements individually. I assumed it was a one-off issue that would resolve itself, but when I tried to record some adventures myself yesterday in preparation for our pack meeting on Monday, the problem persisted.

The tiger Den leader isn’t a parent, the wolf den leader is. but same issue for both. for myself, I do have a son in the lion Den and Webelo den, but the adventure I was awarding was for the tiger den and wolf den.

I wonder if all your Den Admin positions are causing an issue - you do not need them as Pack Admin. Let me run a test - might need to setup a screenshare

Okay, just let me know

@Steven16191103 we cannot reproduce this - do you have a few for a screenshare?

yes I am available now if you are

I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

I was able to get updates to take when I checked the approved checkbox before completing the update

I continue to have this issue as well. Despite trying both through the individual scout and the enter unit advancement areas, I have some scouts for whom the advancements to record. This is despite clicking the approved checkbox each time.

@JonathanBurch1 we would need BSA #s for scouts this is happening to so we could take a look

How best would I report that number?

@JonathanBurch1 - post them here in this thread

137262240 is a good example. I have used the quick entry to add information about this scout completing Into the Woods and large parts of Outdoor Adventure. Despite this, those don’t show up. I used the same process to enter Knife Safety, Bobcat, and Personal Fitness and those show just fine.

@JonathanBurch1 are you sure you selected the current version of those adventures - they both have old versions

Yes… shifted over to the 2024 adventures each time I added it.