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I may not be using the tool correctly, but I printed the screen of the Need Purchasing Report to send to our den leaders so that they could check and make sure everything before we make our September order. We haven’t made one since May, so there are a lot of summertime moving parts.
When I printed it to PDF, it seemed to drop some data and that’s a bit of an issue when trying to convey the list.
In hindsight, I probably need to send the Needs Awarding Report printout instead, which would show both ordered and not ordered items. From there the system knows what we need to order still. But I think it’s the same either way.
The Needs Purchasing and Needs Awarding Reports were not really designed for printing; however, the Purchase Order (PO) was.
What might work better for your purposes is the Cub Scout Recognition Report. It was designed to be sorted in different ways, and you can get it in PDF or CSV file types.
Make sure you check the box next to: “Include Not-Awarded Regardless of Date Range”. Checking the box next to “Include Awarded Within Date Range” can also be helpful to make sure items didn’t get marked as Awarded by mistake.
OK. Won’t be touching this again until next month, but will check that instead.
Mainly I want an easy way for my AC to be able to send the report out to DLs as a confirmation about what is about to be ordered, before it becomes a PO.
If we can get into a better rhythm, I’m not sure that step will even be necessary.
You might want to just go ahead and create the PO. If needed, the PO can be deleted or items can be added to it before your Advancement Chair goes to the Scout shop.