The Needs Purchasing Report should be generated and immediately emailed to our council. The unit already is flagged to the council, so why can’t that report go to someone there? Logistically, it makes sense that scoutbook is the method for tracking advancement now, so there should be some integrations that it can leverage.
What would the purpose be for e-mailing the Needs Purchasing Report to council?
It has to go to the scout shop at Council anyway so I can buy the awards. Right now, I have to take the report and send it to Council, so they can prepare the order, so that someone can drive out to get the awards.
Is that not how other units operate for obtaining approved awards?
I’m not clear, are you sending them the PO as your shopping list? Or the advancement report as evidence that you are allowed to purchase restricted items?
A lot of councils have more than one Scout shop, so there would need to be a way for users to pick the shop they want.
Yes, we send them up to Council basically as a shopping list. My council has 1 scout shop, so they have told us in the past to email them what we need so it can be prepared in advance in case they need to order anything.
I wasn’t thinking of the larger councils and his that would work. I guess scrap this feature request, as it definitely isn’t one size fits all.
And many councils will not pre-pick the order. Every council is its own corporation and does things differently. In my council, most units take the PO to one of 3 Scout Shops and pick their own orders, take the order to the cashier then give them an Advancement Report.
Not all Scout Shops are owned by the local Councils, either…
I know my local-ish Scout Shop is owned by National. They need to see the advancement report to let us purchase awards, but they don’t require any paperwork to be turned in. Heck, in the past, they’ve allowed me to buy replacement awards by showing them a Scout’s record in Scoutbook.
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