Needs Purchasing Report Missing

The needs purchasing report does not appear on the Dashboard Reports Menu, where it should be between the Needs Approval and Needs Awarding reports. It does appear on the unit reports list.


I have re-approved my position as unit committee chair, but there was no change. I am a unit admin in two separate units.

It’s showing-up OK for me at the troop level.

You actually have a couple of report options I don’t have, though (e.g. Council Users). Maybe there’s some sort of interaction going on there with another position?

It looks like you’re reaching it from your Dashboard. What do you see if you navigate to Administration → My Units → Unit Reports? Maybe the issue is path-dependent…

Hi Kenneth,

Could you please list the types of units you are in (Pack, Troop, Team, Crew, Ship, Post, Club, Lab) and what positions you hold in each one? There’s no need to be specific about your unit numbers.


Charley - I see the same in my troop report menu.

Troop Committee Chair and unit admin
Pack Committee member and unit admin


Please try it now and let us know if things are better.


It’s corrected, thank you!


I’m happy we were we able to resolve your issue. Thank you for taking the time to report and test it.


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