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I have confirmed that with NetSmartz’ website update, there is no longer a certificate for completion of any video instruction, etc., and wanted to request this info is removed from Scoutbook to help avoid confusion.
Here is the current text:
“Note: All Cyber Chips will expire annually. Each Scout will need to go to Netsmartz and complete 2 new resources to recommit to net safety and netiquette. Then, with the unit leader, the Scout can add the new date to the Cyber Chip card or certificate.”
That said, I can’t find a downloadable certificate at the scouting.org website, either, so the issue remains as to whether this is obsolete language or the downloadable certificate needs to be re-posted at the appropriate scouting.org site.
Previously, NetSmartz offered a printable certificate upon completion of the series of Scout-required videos.
@DonovanMcNeil I emailed the Advancement Team with my question/suggestion per your comment. I’ll reply here if/when I hear back to see if we’re all on the same page - that the certificate Charley shared is the one Scoutbook is referencing. If so, I’ll set up a new request for Scoutbook to share that link in the requirement.
There was a different certificate available to download on the BSA’s Cyber Chip web site. I saw it there within the past 30 days or so. I am not sure why they removed it. It was kind of like a modified version of the Cyber Chip card / pocket certificate.
I commend BSA for what it is attempting to do, namely to keep requirements for rank advancement applicable to modern day life, however this requirement seems to be poorly conceived and have poor follow through on BSA’s end making it difficult for parents and kids to navigate.
Thanks for info @JenniferOlinger; I’ll wait to hear from the Advancement Team & update here, if there’s anything new/relevant. (This is more confusing than I thought it would be! )