We have registered 10 Troop members via the online system in the last few months – 6 youth and 4 adults. All of the youth (both transfer and new) have appeared in the internet recharter roster, but none of the adults (all new) have appeared. When I attempted to add one of the adults as an “existing member”, I got the error “position is not allowed to multiple.” All adults, in the registration process in the last few months, have pre-paid the 2022 year. Request help in getting them on our recharter roster. Thanks!
In Internet Recharter, did you use the Refresh Roster button?
Yes, I tried refresh multiple times. Tried different computers and different browsers as well. Waited a day and tried again. Still don’t have the adults appearing on the Internet Recharter Roster.
Can you provide the bsa member numbers of the adults who don’t appear?
Thanks, Jacob. Greatly appreciate the support!
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Also, if you have the power, we have been waiting on Council to reassign this adult who transferred in:
[name removed by Moderator for privacy]–13999191
Thanks!! --Bill
These are all registered as Leader of 11-year-old scouts, which I didn’t think was a valid position anymore, now that the LDS church no longer charters units. I’m surprised it let them be registered as such, but not at all surprised that recharter didn’t pick them up. I’d have your COR or COR delegate go into position manager and change them all to ASMs.
I do not have any visibility into the application system. I can only confirm that she is not registered under that MID yet. Has your COR approved the online application for her?
@BillJohnson If they are going to be the troop Treasurer or Advancement Chair, then I would recommend changing their registered position to Committee Member.
As @jacobfetzer said, the Leader of 11-Year-Old Scouts registered position was for LDS troops.
I have added 4 new adult members via advancements.scouting.org. The adult YPT and CBC were all uploaded but still shows up as missing on the recharter page.
The print roster feature only prints out our current charter roster and not the listing the newly added adult members as a final review before validate and paying.
Please advise how to troubleshoot. Thank you.
The YPT and CBC have to be verified by a human, after submitting, to be considered done.
You will not get a final review report before paying. Yes, I know, a big oversight. You don get one after the fact. You have to make due with the entries you made and edits until you submit.