New calendar feature requests

Our troop recently moved to ScoutBook from Trooptrack and several features we really liked in TT’s calendar that would be nice to have in SB are:

  1. Ability to limit the number of RSVPs for events with capacity constraints
  2. Ability to shut off RSVPs on a certain date for events with deadlines
  3. Fields in the event that require SPL and UL names, so we make sure this information is consistently in the event
  4. Pre-population of Adult Leader contact information on bottom of the permission slip.
    I saw a response that some of these features might be incorporated when the calendar moves to IA2, but no indication of timing of this move. An update would be appreciated. Thanks, Tanya

When the Calendar moves to IA2 - the Only goal at that time is to replace the SB Calendar and all the Extension features. Further additions will be looked at in the future


Thanks. When is the calendar moving to IA2?

At a future date is all we know


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