Key 3 doesn't have all features in IA

I have been using Scoutbook and Internet Advancement for our Troop, with Advancement Chair AND Key 3 permissions for 5 months. I have researched and researched, called council and emailed council, so far myself and our Committee Chair cannot find out why we dont have half the features for the IA side of the Calendar that shows in the Scoutbook Knowledge Base/Internet Advancement. To give a couple examples, although we have invites/RSVP features for SB Calendar, we do not have them inside of the IA Calendar. I use both my android and windows, I have tried deleting all my scouting apps and reloading, I enter IA though both myscouting and SB Scouts’ Activities and nothing makes a difference. If it makes a difference, when entering through myscouting, and check “BSA Web Links”, I do not have an option of “Legacy Tools” like I have read in many places.
Please, can someone help?

The IA calendar has not been generally released. It is in limited beta for a few units. The Scoutbook calendar is still the production calendar.

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Thanks for your quick reply. So, we would know if we were one of the beta units, right? I have seen that several times over the months, and my Committee Chair said he saw it last week, cuz he doent get on very often. Cant say 100% we both saw beta while logged in.
Sorry still trying to work this out in my head, if u can bare with me please.
1st, if we dont have access to internet advancements full program, how can i tell what instructions in Scoutbook Knowledge Base for both IA and SB are for ur programs?
2nd Are you saying when i am scheduling a campout, i need to log in SB, go to MyCalendar and add event just like i do meetings? Email invites and rsvp seem to work there.
3. Ive seen conflicting information, can we send invites/reminders/rsvp to sms text
4. Am I supposed to have access to “Manage Advancements” inside SB Calendar? I have tested merit badge requirements in a test campout, but i cant get it to show up as completed when i check the “test” Scout’s Advancement Records for that MB.
5. Back to IA, if we dont have full access yet, how are we supposed to schedule a Hike or Service Activity and utilize invitations/reminders/rsvp? Our Committee paid for 1.5 years subscription to webhost to ONLY use it for RSVPs
6. Sorry for all the questions, but now I dont know what to believe in the help index of Scoutbook Knowledge. Is there another set of instructions for troops like mine? I mean, why would they publish 1 manual when it only perains to an elite few?


@LorettaNash -

#1 - unless you are a parent or scout, the key 3, key 3 delegates have full access to Internet Advancement - there is a drop down in the upper right if you are in multiple units and/or a parent to choose which access is shown
#2 - for events with reminders and RSVP - that is ONLY in
#3 - only in the message section can you do the SMS/text option and it is a blanket selection. It will text those who have the phone icon and email the rest.
#4 Manage advancement in the calendar was added 9 years ago as a planning guide and it IS NOT LINKED to any advancements, MB or awards. I do not and never have used it
#5 - IA is used to record after the event for the service hours, hike miles and camping days/nights based on actual participants and is part of the JTE and Eagle Service Project data for Councils
#6 - clear searching and clear reading are key there

@LorettaNash - i can do a screen share at some point to see what you are seeing or not seeing… That is up to you

A screen share would be very helpful and I would be very grateful. I apologize if my messages sound jumbled. I like these programs, and I want our troop to be able to use them the way they are designed to be used. If I or someone else in my Unit do not get a complete handle on these programs, the last 3 years of nonextant record keeping will happen all over again; they have already paid for 2 years of external program that fizzled out at the beggining.
Again, yes to screensharing i will work around your schedule, just let me know when.
