New Calendar Feedback

Thank you! Since it is immediate and it hasn’t updated yet, it appears if I am trying to revise an event created prior to the transition of the calendar from Scoutbook to its new location (Advancement), I should delete the event then re-set it up in Advancement. That’s a work around I can live with.

Hasn’t updated where? In the unit calendar in SB+IA?

@HollyKunkle - or are you talking about a subscription to the calendar. If I make changes in the IA calendar they are there as soon as the save is done.

The subscription to the IA calendar event is not updating. In this case it is a Google calendar subscription.


Google only updates ICS subscriptions once every 24 hours.


@HollyKunkle - i would also make sure you are properly subscribed. You havd to add the calender via url.

Update - i made a change yesterday and that change is reflected in our unit g-cal subscription. The system works if done properly

The calendar you subscribed to should look something like this:

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Thank you to everyone who helped me. The final 2 comments did it! I unsubscribed from the old G-cal and subscribed using the new calendar url.
I will let our Pack families know.

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Comment emails went to all who were invited. There were two separate comment fields - one out to everyone, and one for admins only. The one for admins only didn’t get sent at all. These were two separate fields. Anyone who was invited could add a normal comment and it went out to everyone…

Anyone who was invited could comment, those comments only went out to all admins.

The admin notes as you mention were separate. Just a note for admins.

I think that you’re conflating the calendar “Event description” and “Event notes” boxes from the old calendar event editing interface with the “Comments” box visible in the calendar interface for users. You’re correct that the “Event description” box contents went to everyone invited as part of the reminder message, and were displayed on the calendar as the description. You’re also correct that the “Event notes” box was only visible to admins (or others who could edit the calendar event), but only if they edited the event itself.

Comments were viewable by anyone who viewed the event in the calendar. However, as several others have said, only the event creator (or possibly whoever edited it last) got the emails when comments were posted in the Comment box at the bottom.

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This point cannot be emphasized enough. There is some detraction here about how the old system “worked” but the reality is that these tools are not user friendly and the new system was in no way an improvement (not production ready as someone else commented)


The previous format of seeing RSVP status readily was considerably better than what it is now. One has to start digging and clicking on things to see basic info. Even a little status table with how many RSVP’ed yes, no, maybe for each of Scout, Adult, Den Chief, etc. would be nice if you don’t want to use up the screen space like before (without having to always click on something). Overall, the mobile format is less effective than Scoutbook was due to the all the tiny targets to click to dig in. Once an event is created, the focus is on RSVPs and attendance, and that seems to be relegated to a narrow column.

I also miss the ability to select the type of event when creating a new one like before. One really can’t categorize the event type any longer. Although, I do like that events can be linked with activities like hikes, service, camping.

It would help us greatly if the IA Dev Team had a published list of

  1. Known issues being worked on now
  2. Known issues that are shelved
  3. Known functionality loss that will not be replaced

And please make the list easy to find.

I am sure this will cut down on the redundant threads and lower the user frustration level.


The BSA has already stated (via SUAC) that they do not intend to publish the issues/bugs list. Your best bet to get a change there might be to go via your council, and convince the council professionals of the value of such a list. That said, I suspect that time spent maintaining/updating the list (in a typical-user-readable format) is likely time not spent on development. And users would still have to “guess” how whoever maintained the list had phrased the issue in order to see whether or not their concern is already on the list. That’s not materially more reliable than searching these forums and putting date bounds on the search.

ETA: This coming from someone who’s been asking for such a list since the early days of the BSA’s purchase of Scoutbook years ago…

Standard operating procedures for programming and follow up after the go live date is to work off a list. They have it already, I am 99.99999% sure.

They just need to post it. And they need to…we are their customers…we are their volunteers…lowering our frustration level and minimizing our troubleshooting hours will allow us to focus on the kids and offer a superior program to them.

I am a newbie but I believe in the IA interface team.


A list, I’m sure. A list suitable for publication that the average user could understand? That I doubt.

Again, if you want to move the ball, nobody here has the authority to do that. Push your council professionals to push the national staff.

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