There is an issue in code for the new Scout Book Plus Calendar. We noticed the bug when we pasted the link in the GoDaddy website building and it made all of the events fast forward a day and different time. And yes, our timezone is correct in Scout Book. There is a discrepancy in the code of the Calendar. Any thoughts?
@GarrettHay first guess would be a godaddy TZ issue - never seen an ICAL option in godaddy
@GarrettHay - this is a godady issue. You need to modify the url to add ?timezone=America/%your local tz%
Well of course, GoDaddy said it was a Scout book issue. LOL
GoDaddy said the opposite. Lol
@GarrettHay - of course they would…
so is it in their Website Builder? Sure you want to publish the calendar to a public website?
Yes. GoDaddy website builder has a section that just let’s put the link in and poof, the Calendar appears on your site.
I added the code to the end of the URL and it did not populate anything.
The ics calendar link should be of the form
https ://
In your case you should be using ?timezone=America/Los_Angeles
Our troop uses the same feature of GoDaddy. We had not updated it for the move to the SB+ calendar. Your posts made me think about it and I thought I would give it an update. I just did it and it works. Like you said, poof. We are in central time, though.
Still not working! ?timezone=America/Los_Angeles
Still not working with the additional code! It fast forwards the events a whole day and puts them all in the early AM. Completely changes the calendar. We have a Google Calendar that was used before our transition to Scout Book and it works fine.
@GarrettHay - this is more of a godaddy issue.
I am confused. Does it not work at all with the timezone info or is it off time wise? Whey you say a “whole day and puts them in the AM”, it sounds like it isn’t a whole day. How many hours different is it?
Did you try removing the calendar from your page and re-adding it?
The internals of the ScoutBook Calendar track dates and times in Zulu (UTC). At this time of year, if you are in the Los Angeles time zone you would be 7 hours behind UTC. Is that how far you are off?
That’s exactly right Peter! We are 7 hours ahead on everything. How do we rectify this?
The first step (if you haven’t done it already) is to subscribe to the calendar in something else, such as iCal for Mac or Google Calendar. This will verify that there is nothing wrong with your feed from ScoutBook.
The problem is likely that GoDaddy is not properly handling UTC. UTC is much nicer from the calendar maker’s position (ScoutBook), because the calendar app is expected to handle the shift from UTC to local, account for daylight saving, etc.
Unfortunately, if the calendar app is not up to the task, this is the result.
This is a cached result from Google regarding how to set your timezone for workspace email in GoDaddy:
I sent the link to the cached page because GoDaddy has taken that page down. The data may, therefore, be invalid.
It appears that others have had the same problem:
If you can’t fix the timezone through GoDaddy, and you have someone who is a little bit savvy regarding web servers, you can try putting either of the following lines into the .htaccess file for your site:
SetEnv TZ 'America/Los_Angeles'
or if you are on a php server:
php_value date.timezone 'America/Los_Angeles'
Unfortunately, if you can’t set the timezone, you won’t be able to use GoDaddy’s calendar app.
The next best solution would be to subscribe to the calendar in Google Calendar, then embed the calendar in your webpage. This will give you results like this (my troop’s website):
(Disclaimer: this is not GoDaddy, this is Dreamhost. And I code my own pages.)
Google calendar will provide you with all the code needed to properly embed the calendar. It’s usually quite easy. The downside is that Google will update only once per day, so your site will update only once per day. However, if you have your unit members subscribe directly to the ScoutBook calendar (i.e. on their phones or laptops, etc.) that will update more frequently.
That’s the best advice I can give you. Best wishes!
A Scout is trustworthy, so I am just going to share our calendar link with you here. I have tried to add the timezone in different ways and I just cannot get it to work. Can you take the link, add the timezone the way you would and send it back?
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