New Parents and Scoutbook

I have more than one new parent who cannot access their Scoutbook account. They don’t know their password, but when they try to choose “forgot password”, they do not receive an email to reset it.

Along with this, these new parents signed up with a paper application (not online) and therefore don’t yet have a account (I am assuming?)…if they create a new account with the same email address there, will it automatically connect to the Scoutbook account? And now that I say this, if it did connect, would the password then be the same?

When a paper application for a Scout gets processed by the local council, the Scout gets a BSA member number. In addition, the parent who is listed on the application also gets their own BSA member number.

The parent should be able to create an account at my.scouting and connect to their BSA member number. After they create their my.scouting account, they should (in theory) be able to log in at Scoutbook with the same user name and password and already be connected to their Scout(s), because the parent / Scout relationship has been set by the council using the council’s Registrar tools.

If you create a new account for the parent in Scoutbook, the odds are good that you are creating a Scoutbook account for the parent that is missing the parent’s date of birth, which will likely create another BSA member number for the parent because a match will not be found for the parent’s already existing BSA member number.

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Thank you! This is great information. The Council created the Scoutbook accounts - but I don’t believe there is a corresponding account (yet). I will pass this along to those affected and see what they say.

Thanks again!

I would bet that the Scoutbook accounts were created by the automated membership update.

These parents should go to my.scouting and create an account and try to connect to the BSA member number that was created by the paper youth application process.

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