New rechartering process

  1. Under the Roster Tab: I cannot “opt out” a scout that is not renewing with the Troop.

  2. Under the Roster Tab/Membership Renewal Orders: I cannot delete a scout that was inadvertently added to the renewal order.

  3. Under the Roster Tab/Unit Paid Membership Renewal Batches: I cannot delete that ‘batch’ and start over with a new selection. Neither can I delete a scout from that ‘batch’.

  4. I paid the unit renewal fee of $100 on yesterday (24 hours ago) and it is still showing “Your payment is being processed”. A receipt has NOT been received either.

@DavitaBaloue - I would suggest reaching out to your local council.

I have… Helpdesk tickets to national submitted and taking days to get responses.

Thanks for responding.

Keep pushing at your council. Not much else you can do.

We had the same set of problems as part of the new recharter system pilot. In the end it took so long to get things resolved that our unit got dropped for a week when we exceeded the grace period. We had to cancel our most recent Court of Honor because we couldn’t run an advancement report.

Thanks for responding.