I have a duplicate record for a new scout. UID 8213205 and UID 12085356. Scoutbook doesn’t show a MID, which should be 135219064. Can you fix this record on your end? Thanks in advance!
@GoodloeWhite this is fixed
Could you merge the records as well, or should I delete one of them?
Also, I see a lot of yellow caution flags indicating a lack of match to our roster. They were never there before. What should I do here?
they are merged? you might need to log out and back in
I tried a private window in another browser. I’m seeing a scout record with the same MID/UID in each record. 135219064 / 8213205. Same DOB. I had created one of these scout records and the other one was pushed down when the transfer app went through.
(The problem started I guess when I needed to get the scout into the system to send messages. I’m not sure if the match can happen automatically or not.) Thanks for your help.
it left 2 memberships - I got it
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