New scouts do not get added to events?

If we have events already in the calendar and a new scout is added to the troop, the scout does not get added to the event. We have to go back and reinvite. Is there a way to add an event so that anyone in the troop has access to it?

Yes and no. Technically, anyone who’s part of the unit, or is a unit parent/guardian, can see the unit calendar by clicking on the Upcoming Events header in their My Dashboard. It doesn’t look like a link, but it is. Once at the calendar, they may need to click on the gear icon above the calendar display, but they can then show the unit calendar, which will show everything on it, whether they are invited or not.

However, to be listed on an event, have it show up in Upcoming Events, appear in the list of events in the Scouting app (I think), and RSVP to an event, they have to be added to the event as an invitee.

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Is there not a way to create an event that is open to RSVP from the entire troop without specific invites? That seems to be a basic idea.




Correct, only those who are invited can be RSVP.

We recommend using the Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox to quickly add new members to multiple calendar events. Search the Chrome or Firefox extension stores for Scoutbook.

There isn’t, unfortunately. As @edavignon noted, using the Feature Assistant Extension, folks with the appropriate access can update the invitee lists of multiple events “semi-automatically”, but it has to be done each time new people are added to the unit (or, existing people leave).

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