New Scouts need to be invited to events

I’m not sure if this is a feature or a bug so I wanted to bring it up.

Our BSA Troop has added 3 new scouts over the last 3 months and additionally just bridged 2 more scouts into the troop about 2 weeks ago. Each time a new scout is added or bridged, they need to be individually added to every calendar event. That involves us going into each event for future months (or in some cases more than a year’s) worth of events so we can update the invited list.

There should be a way to update the events so new scouts automatically have access to the calendar of events scheduled prior to them joining. I would additionally like to be able to mark a new scout’s attendance at an event they attended if the invite list wasn’t updated prior to the event taking place.


This is how the Scoutbook calendar has always worked. We recommend using the Scoutbook Feature Extension for Chrome and Firefox. It has a feature that lets you quickly update the invite list for multiple events. Search the Chrome or Firefox extension stores for Scoutbook.


This is something we have previously requested be included in the new calendar when it is released. We do not know if this feature will make the initial release or not.

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