When I create an event for my Pack in SB with an RSVP, I have to select individuals to include. When a new scout is registered, they (and their parents) are not added to any of the existing events that are relevant to them (e.g. new Wolf scout should be added to all of their den’s events, parents should be added to all Pack meetings/Akelas meetings). If we could set the RSVP list to “All parents”, “All den members” or “All leaders”, this would GREATLY lessen the burden on volunteers to manually update events whenever new scouts join.
That is already being worked on - just rather complex
For now we recommend using the Scoutbook Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox to quickly add new Scouts to multiple events via the Scoutbook calendar.
the Feature Assistant for bulk adding new scouts only works if your events are associated to a single unit, if you have events with multiple units, the feature is disabled.
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