New Scouts/Families being added to everything

I’m not really sure how to get around this.

For this particular event, there were only 3 leaders added. It was meant as a reminder of the Summer Camp early bird deadline.

Any new scout/parent has been automatically added to this event. This has happened on multiple events including those that were just geared toward Leadership Training. Again, I don’t really have a solution for this, other than maybe a restricted event type. I’m just putting out there the observation.

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@TravisStephens was the Event Type always “Other” ?


Yes, just because nothing really fit for this particular one. The others, I’ve seen (Leadership Training) were set as Training. Those ones don’t add youth but does all parents, which I guess isn’t really a bad thing.

Well is not functioning right it sounds

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I have seen this in two different units now. I assume there was a calendar change where they have started to add new scouts and leaders to events but have not seen any change notice of it. Does anyone know where the change notice is or if there is any details about this so we can understand how it is intended to work. At last nights Committee meeting for one of the units, 2 new families showed up because scoutbook invited them.

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