Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
We have our first wave of parents renewing their BSA membership on scouting.org, but when they do the renewal they are not getting any confirmation email or other indication the renewal went through. I know all renewals need to be approved by the pack leadership to be completed, but the lack of any confirmation email is problematic.
Whenever there is any kind of purchase on the Internet, people are used to getting an immediate confirmation email. If the renewal is in a pending state before the pack/troop approves, then the email should say so (and a follow-up email should be sent when it is approved).
I renewed my own child’s membership about 6 weeks ago and I realize I never got any confirmation email of any kind, even after I approved the renewal as a leader on my.scouting.org (and yes, I checked my spam!)
So, 2 questions:
Can someone clarify if and when confirmation emails are supposed to be sent to parents in this process?
If the answer is that no emails get sent at all, who are the right people to give feedback about how to improve this and save leaders tons of emails from confused parents this fall? (and yes, I will be giving this feedback to my council too!)
@Stephen_Hornak Thanks I will certainly be doing that, but I’m a little confused, isn’t the purpose of this forum to provide feedback and get help on the web applications?
Does anyone know the answer on how the process is supposed to work? Maybe there a help page I can read up on that describes the steps I should explain to parents?
Thanks…I read the docs. Unfortunately, whoever made those slides was focused on the leadership’s view and didn’t really cover the experience of a parent renewing for a Scout (and also the slides seem to imply there is only a confirmation email for rechartering).
Good luck to everyone this fall with their renewals!
The forums are not monitored by BSA IT. We can help with some how to type questions with renewals but issues must be reported via your Council as that is the way the development team at my.scouting.org wants it. They will not accept bug reports from anyone except Council staff.
No problem, I’ve already reached out to my council! I understand the forums can’t turn into a helpdesk but it does seem like the dev team is missing a fantastic opportunity to get an unfiltered view of the daily experiences and issues users are having with these websites.
We don’t disagree abut as volunteers there is only so much influence we can have on the development teams. Fortunately the Scoutbook team understands the value of the forums and the SUAC.